Easy Slow Cooker Lasagna


  • 24 oz jar tomato-based pasta sauce
  • 7 dried lasagna noodles
  • 15 ounces cottage cheese
  • 2 cups baby kale or baby spinach
  • 2 green bell peppers, sliced in to long strips
  • 1 cup dried mushrooms
  • 2 cups shredded mozzarella


  1. Spread 1 cup of pasta sauce on the bottom of your slow cooker. This ensures the noodles won't stick.
  2. Break the noodles to fit, and cover the bottom of the slow cooker as much as possible, given its shape. Overlap them as necessary. Layer half each of the cottage cheese, kale, bell peppers, and dried mushrooms over the noodles. Layer one-third of the mozzarella over the mushrooms
  3. Place another layer of noodles over the cheese and cover them with 1 cup of pasta sauce. Layer the remaining cottage cheese, kale, red peppers, and dried mushrooms over the sauce and top it with another third of mozzarella. Arrange the final layer of pasta noodles over everything, and cover with the remaining sauce and mozzarella.
  4. Cover and cook on high for 3 to 4 hours or on low for 6 to 7 hours
  5. Slice the lasagna in the pot, and use a spatula to lift out individual servings